Foreign community at Chinese World of Warcraft
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Foreign community at Chinese World of Warcraft

For those who want to play World of Warcraft cheaper on the Chinese realms (in Chinese, English or other languages)
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 READ FIRST: Guild Rules

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Scarlet MonkScarlet Monk

Posts : 255
Joined : 2011-07-06

Character in WOW
Server: Alterac Valley 奥特兰克, CN 1.
Name: Malice
Guild: Crazy Waiguorens

READ FIRST: Guild Rules  _
  READ FIRST: Guild Rules  I_icon_minitimeSun 10 Jul 2011 - 8:29  #
Guild Rules

Most of these are fairly obvious but it must be said...

TCW Motto "Play when you wanna play"
We are a casual/relaxed guild, and although we may play A LOT sometimes, there should be absolutely no pressure to be on the game. You will see this idea pop up again and again in our guild. If you and a few people want to dedicate your self to something eg. to an arena team, we will be your cheering squad and support you all they way - BUT if anyone can't continue due to life obligations, please respect that other player's time. Have fun, enjoy the game.

No racism or Sexism
We are guests in another country and playing with different people from all over the world. Racism/Sexism will not be tolerated.

If we do not see you for months, we hope you are well and there are no major problems. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send an in game letter or message to a Veteran/Officer/GL to let us know your are ok and not to worry. There is work, kids, family etc....we understand. That being said, if we do not see you online for many months with no information as to why, you may be booted.

Raiding times and Looting
(see pve section of our forum for details)

Use 'ur brain - raid chat goes in raid, general chat goes in general etc.
PLEASE keep raid chat to a MINIMUM when we are dealing with loot OR explaining something for a raid.
YY rooms, there are different rooms - use them accordingly. Music stays on general, raid goes in raid, pvp goes in pvp etc.
We are an English Speaking guild. Chinese members are welcome but the English rule always applies to all chat except the "/join zhongwen" channel if you want to speak Chinese. Also keep any other languages in their own custom channels.

Be polite, patient, respectful and friendly
It's easy enough to say but when you are on the other end of a computer we tend to forget this. Whether raiding, getting loot, questing or chatting... anything, we should be supportive to all members not just new ones or those new to the game. NO BEGGING, WHINING, DRAMA or COMPLAINING.

If you have a problem with someone, deal with diplomatically and respectfully in private chat (Keep it out of all other chats, even YY). If the problem cannot be resolved between the members, contact an Officer or Guild Leader.

Ranking and Promotions
Players will start as Initiates. Promotion comes with dedication to the guild, contributions, responsible actions, actual time in guild, organizational skills and people skills. Just because you were a higher rank in another guild doesn't mean you will automatically be promoted.

As you advance in rank within the guild you will have more responsibility (whether in game or forum), you are allowed to refuse a promotion at any time but if you accept the position you will have to accept the responsibilities that come with it (keeping in mind there's not THAT much responsibility)

Guild Bank/Money
Gold donations to the guild bank for tabs, tank repair and helping lowbies level are appreciated. Contributing mats, items etc is also welcome. Keep in mind if you do not contribute you should not be taking. There is NO /Greed for guild bank.

Access is restricted for lower ranks
If you need something ask an Veteran, Officer or Guild Leader
Do not take items considerably higher than your level "hoping/planning" to use them eventually.
DO NOT remove items from the GB to sell
If you have an alt in a different guild DO NOT use our Guild Bank to get items for them

Alts are allowed in the guild but please try to bring your mains to raids etc. (Unless of course you are specifically asked to bring a certain character, in that case normal looting rules apply. Keeping in mind, as we progress and people reach a gear max, of course alts can raid)
In your Alt's guild page (in the NOTES section) PLEASE add your mains name (Eg. Malice's Alt)
If you are checking out our guild and make a lvl 1 or 55 character to pop on and say hi - no worries but if you do not plan to level that character tell a member so the GL can delete it.

No spamming, Selling or Profiteering
Making money off of other guild members is HIGHLY frowned upon. Trading services or items is fine but being supportive and generous goes a very long way.

Follow Blizzard/WOW rules
Breaking rules reflect badly on our guild. We have worked very hard to stay alive and build a good rep. Any member who does not play within Blizzard's policies will be removed from the Guild.

READ FIRST: Guild Rules

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